Jacquelyn K. Heasley
The pastor and session oversee the day-to-day operation of the church office and administer the personnel policies. These policies are governed by The Book of Order and The Book of Confessions.
It is the responsibility of this group to see that the church building and other properties are properly maintained.
It is the responsibility of this group to see that the church finances are in order.
Stewardship is where the gifts of the congregation are utilized. It includes the giving of gifts, and time, and stepping into multiple roles to be support for the church.
The Worship and Planning Committee oversees the service of worship and special services; and works with the pastor, to ensure meaningful worship.
The Music Committee works with the pastor and the Worship Committee in providing opportunities for musical expression for persons of all ages. This committee promotes musical experience.
The Chancel Choir has supported worship at Butler for over half a century. The Choir leads the congregation in music on first, second, and fifth Sundays, and during special programs. Membership is open to adults interested in singing and willing to attend rehearsals. Rehearsals are held Wednesday evenings.
The Gospel Choir leads the congregation in music on the fourth Sunday and for special services as requested. Rehearsals are held on Wednesday before the fourth Sunday. Membership is open.
As a form of Christian expression, the Liturgical/Praise dance team uses movements and dance to help express the word and the spirit of God. Dancers of all ages are welcomed. “Let everything that has breath praise the Lord” Psalms 150:6. Dancing is a way to be creative and serves as a way to improve worship expression and to deliver praise from a pure heart of thankfulness. All dances are choreographed. Liturgical/Praise dances are primarily done on the 3rd Sundays and for seasonal programs.
The Usher Board is a service group, whose duties are varied, among which are to ready the sanctuary for service, usher during the regular Sunday worship service, and for other services, as requested. The assistance of this board to the pastor adds to the beauty and dignity of the service. Youth serve as acolytes before and after service.
The Evangelism Ministry leads the congregation in a program of introducing the unchurched to salvation in Jesus Christ including evangelistic outreach, membership assimilation, and annual revival. The ministry promises and covenant as faithful disciples, and in obedience to the Great Commission on Evangelism (Matthew 28:19-20)
An organization in the Presbyterian Church that is composed mostly of women.
Founded in 1939 as the "Ladies Aid Society" is the second circle that was organized in this church. The name was later changed to honor Reverencd H.M. Scott who was pastor of Butler at that time. It's main purpose was to minister to the needs of the Pastor. The Scott circle supports mission through the giving of time, talent, and money.
The A.S. Leake Circle was started in the early 1920s by Mrs. S.T. Redd, wife of the pastor Reverend Samuel Taylor Redd. It was originally named The Ladies Missionary Society and is the oldest circle in the church. The circle participates in many church fundraising
The Pickens circle was founded in 1957 and named in honor of the pastor, Reverend Pickens A. Patterson. Its purpose is seeking to be obedient to God's call in Jesus Christ, to help one another grow in the Christian faith and understanding, and to act in Christian concern in the company of God's people. The members of this circle are deeply committed to each other and consider themselves strengthened by diversity and their faith along with long standing sisterly relationship.
The Cobham Circle was organized in 1978 by Elder Eunice Washington. Her idea was to find a circle for young women between the ages 18-25, and give them a more active role and sense of belonging in the church family. Since that time the Cobham Circle has opened its doors to any member that is interested in joining regardless of age or sex.
The M.G. Redd circle was organized by Elder Eunice Simmons in order to welcome Mrs. Willie Mae Patterson, the wife of Reverend P.A. Patterson ( the new minister at that time). The circle's purpose is twofold: benevolent service to anyone in need and continuing education related to their Presbyterian and Black heritage. The circle has helped many by providing food, clothing, shelter, medical and spiritual care.
An organization in the Presbyterian Church that is composed of the men in the church.
The men of the church get together to discuss ways that they can better serve the community. They meet monthly and have been instrumental in creating positive changes at Butler.
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